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Runtime flags

-a <filename> all messages written to the default output will also be appended to the log file specified
-Dm run the simulation in SMP mode if multiple processors are available - has no effect on single CPU machines
-Do run the simulation in single CPU mode even if multiple processors are available - has no effect on single CPU machines
-Dv force all VPI (PLI 2.0) error messages to be printed
-f <filename> similar to the -f flag for the compiler this flags allows the command line to be extended into script files
-F <filename> similar to the -F flag for the compiler this flags allows the command line to be extended into script files
-l <filename> all messages written to the default output will also be written to the log file specified
-qquiet - makes the runtime output less verbose
-rtimeout <secs>elapsed time simulation timeout - see -timeout below for more information
-timeout <secs>cpu time simulation timeout - if <secs> seconds pass without the simulation time advancing the simulation is aborted. This feature is intended to halt simulations that are stuck in 0-time loops - simulation loops where the simulation time is not changing. Without this feature a wedged simulation might stay in our farm costing you money indefinitely. On the other hand a very complex simulation, or one that is waiting for an external event, might require much longer timeouts. You can either specify '-timeout' or '-rtimeout' the former waits for <secs> of actualy cpu time to pass by, the second waits for elapsed (real) time to pass - the first will not go off if your simulation is waiting for an external event through a PLI (like a pipe or socket), the second will go off anyway. The default value is 2 minutes cpu (not elapsed) time, setting this value to 0 disables the timer.
-Vprints the runtime/compiletime version number
+maxdelayswhen triples of the form (minimum:typical:maximum) have been used this forces the choice of the third maximum value
+mindelayswhen triples of the form (minimum:typical:maximum) have been used this forces the choice of the first minimum value
+typdelayswhen triples of the form (minimum:typical:maximum) have been used this forces the choice of the second typical value - this is the default if neither +maxdelays, +mindelays or +typdelays is specified
All unused '+' arguments are retained for access by the runtime PLI routines.

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